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UMBC Activism Team

This movement was started by students at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County for a Feminist Activism class under Dr. Kate Drabinski. End The Silence looks to eradicate the stigma that revolves around mental illness. Many popular ideas view mental illness, and those suffering from mental illness, as "crazy" since most of the cases of mental illness people hear about are either criminal or extreme. Because of this stigma, many people with mental illness are afraid to tell people about their experiences with mental illness, and people that suspect they may have a mental illness are also afraid of seeking help. By giving people a way to speak up about mental illness, End The Silence hopes to empower those who suffer from mental illness and those who want to seek mental health help. We also hope that others who do not yet feel comfortable talking about mental health and sharing their story will become motivated and encouraged to do so by seeing others share their story.


If you want to participate in this project, just click the "Share Your Story" button on the homepage!


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